
Josh Iceton – 3rdeyeart

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

“I’m a 3rd Eye Visionary Artist, Magickian and Mystic, living in Melbourne, Australia. I’ve had an interest in art and creating images since I can remember. In time I discovered I had a knack for painting, all the more pronounced following a consciousness altering experience in April of 2003. There is no logical progression in my portfolio of work before and after this experience. In retrospect, you could say I was both foolish and wise enough to push certain buttons and open certain doors to see what might happen. Big, life changing decisions often seem made up of a mixture of wisdom and folly transcended by a third thing, the 3rd Eye. Some of my wisest decisions could also be labelled the stupidest and vice versa, depending on your perspective. Often these are unpopular choices. I find my truth, beyond polarities, in these moments, their feedback and resonance.

Several of these sequences led to experimentation with certain Magickal and Mystical techniques conjunct with the creation of 3rdeyeart-works. Various anomalies soon arose and an intuitive dance commenced upon the observation of strangely forecasted fluctuations in energy. Curious relationships revealed evidence of an invisible landscape, a hidden dimension of possibilities. Embracing the infinite, transcendence of the rational and mundane became permissible, probable even. Invoking archetypal energies whereby quantum potentials are unlocked on both micro and macrocosmic levels, 3rd Eye images are hieroglyphs of milestones on this journey and activated tools for the manifestation of willed change. It is my will that they serve as catalysts for the Next Step. Enjoy.

Love is the law, love under will.”

Josh Iceton


Josh Iceton

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